September 5, 2011

Another month bites the dust

So it’s been a month since my last post. Oops. But that means baby girl is now about negative three months old. It’s probably clear from my lack of posting that this past month has been relatively uneventful. Our main baby-related focus has been continuing to research all the baby gear we (think we) need. I have been doing most of the work on that, but Tim offered to help so I told him he could pick out a rectal thermometer. Apparently he wasn’t aware of the fact that we would have any use for one, as he assumed that’s something that “only the doctor has to use.” Poor guy really doesn’t know what's coming.

Aside from that, I’ve been trying to stay relatively active to hopefully help prolong the onset of all of those wonderful aches and pains I’ve heard so much about. I use the term active very loosely, as it pretty much just involves some walking and a little bit of swimming. Although I haven’t been having trouble sleeping yet or a need for a body support pillow or anything like that, I do sort of miss being able to lie on my stomach. Luckily I figured out a way to recreate the feeling in the pool:
For the record, I did swim a few laps before resorting to floating around like this. And I guess dads-to-be need some relaxation time too:

Well that about sums up life for me at six months pregnant. We’ll see if anything more exciting happens in month seven.

1 comment:

Leah said...