Since I’ve taken so long to post, everyone that actually reads this blog probably already knows we’ve decided on a name: Allison Kay. Yay. The one thing we know about Allison so far is that she likes to move. A lot. And apparently her favorite place to hang out is right near the front of my stomach, because we can frequently see and feel various body parts jutting out and rolling around across my skin. She really likes creeping her dad out with her alien-like movement whenever he puts his hand on her (I am liking her sense of humor already).
Well month seven has been more or less the same as month six for me – not too much to report, which I am definitely not complaining about. I’m still able to go on walks, swim, run (a little), and play tennis (if you consider standing at the baseline and hitting balls that come close enough to me “tennis”). And since I don’t yet have a human baby to fawn over and take pictures of, my (poor?) canine babies have been getting a lot of attention lately. Okay fine they have always gotten a lot of attention, but these days I find myself thinking they are even cuter and more precious than usual. Now I will bombard you with pictures of the dogs that I think are sweet that no one else will really care about:
Tim, Corey, and Corey’s squirrel toy napping
Me and Graham napping. (Disclaimer: This was taken about 3 or 4 weeks ago. I am much bigger now. (And I realize I'm laying on my back)).
And of course Pierce napping.
Yes, Graham thinks this is normal. Yes, we let him do it. Yes, we need to brush up on our parenting skills. Speaking of brushing up on parenting skills…