I was debating whether or not to put our 14 week sonogram picture up on the blog, because I think it looks a tad bit scary. Other sonograms I’ve seen from around this time have been cute side-view silhouettes of a baby shape, but we were lucky enough to get the forward facing view complete with smushed face. When combined with the graininess of the film, the final product is this little (alien-esque?) creature:
For reference, starting on the far left you’ve got a little foot/leg followed by a curled up spine and then the face (with the mouth and eyes shown as dark spots). I think the left eye is being hidden/squished by a little hand under the head. If you’re looking at it correctly you should see a little alien baby. But a cute little alien baby of course.
The nurse said if she had to GUESS the sex, she would guess girl, but when pressed for a confidence level she pretty much folded under the pressure and said it’s too early to tell. Of course now that the nurse has made her (flimsy) guess, I am all of a sudden anxious to know when before it wasn’t really on my mind at all. Luckily I recently switched doctors from one that does two sonograms during the pregnancy to one that does more like five (thanks Leah), so we will be getting another look at our little alien at the end of the week (at 17 weeks). Supposedly we should be able to find out the sex at that appointment, so we'll see what they say then.
Rita! (Comment whore here.) It's probably the angle, but my uterus looks about 2X the size of yours. What is that about?
BTW, Matt hasn't said anything wrong or bad or funny to me the 2nd time around... he learned his lessons the first time.
Are you showing at all yet?
I love the title of your post....
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