I didn’t really think anything of Mother’s Day this year, since I’m not a mother yet and it was early enough in the pregnancy that I was still just digesting the news (I think I'm still at that point by the way). But Tim decided he wanted to do something for it, although our plans to actually do something were side railed by the fact that we ended up having to work on building our new fence all day (why we- especially pregnant me -were having to do this is sort of a long story, so I won’t get into it. But I should mention that our lucky mothers also got to spend their day helping us which I’m sure they really appreciated).
Despite not having any real time to do anything that day, Tim did get me a few presents that are worth mentioning. He gets brownie points for buying a couple of baby outfits - a boy outfit and a girl outfit, because he wanted to be the one to get the baby its first outfit (I suppose he could have gotten a gender neutral outfit and thus not wasted money on one that we will never use, but where’s the fun in that?). It was fitting because ever since we found out, I’ve been saying I want a girl so that I’m not the only female in the house (currently one human and three canines). Plus, girls rule and boys drool. I rest my case. So of course to be difficult Tim has taken the other side and is already referring to the baby as a boy. We’ll see who wins this battle (of chance) soon enough.
Anyway, back to the gifts. He also bought a few matching sets of little baby caps and gloves, and he laid the gloves out like footprints on the floor (he did this because he thought the gloves were socks, of course) and then arranged the outfits in our room so I would see them when I walked in. Tim even practiced his baby dressing skills on Corey since Corey loves being dressed up in ridiculous outfits (see the middle picture above in the blog header):
He’s loving it. Tim’s effort with the baby clothes was enough to award him father-to-be of the year in my book, but he wasn’t done yet. When I walked into our bathroom, there was a new bathrobe hanging from the shower door. When I noticed it and before I had time to say anything about it, he explained: “I got you this because soon you won’t be able to fit into your pajamas.” Gee, thanks. I suppose I should just be glad he didn’t buy it in size XXL. For the record, I am still, in fact, able to fit into my pajamas. We’ll see how much longer that lasts.