May 31, 2011

Mother’s (to-be) Day Recap

As predicted, Tim has already begun pulling lines from the “things to never say to your pregnant wife” handbook.  And it happened on Mother’s Day no less.  Here’s the story:

I didn’t really think anything of Mother’s Day this year, since I’m not a mother yet and it was early enough in the pregnancy that I was still just digesting the news (I think I'm still at that point by the way).  But Tim decided he wanted to do something for it, although our plans to actually do something were side railed by the fact that we ended up having to work on building our new fence all day (why we- especially pregnant me -were having to do this is sort of a long story, so I won’t get into it.  But I should mention that our lucky mothers also got to spend their day helping us which I’m sure they really appreciated).

Despite not having any real time to do anything that day, Tim did get me a few presents that are worth mentioning.  He gets brownie points for buying a couple of baby outfits - a boy outfit and a girl outfit, because he wanted to be the one to get the baby its first outfit (I suppose he could have gotten a gender neutral outfit and thus not wasted money on one that we will never use, but where’s the fun in that?).  It was fitting because ever since we found out, I’ve been saying I want a girl so that I’m not the only female in the house (currently one human and three canines).  Plus, girls rule and boys drool.  I rest my case.  So of course to be difficult Tim has taken the other side and is already referring to the baby as a boy. We’ll see who wins this battle (of chance) soon enough.

Anyway, back to the gifts.  He also bought a few matching sets of little baby caps and gloves, and he laid the gloves out like footprints on the floor (he did this because he thought the gloves were socks, of course) and then arranged the outfits in our room so I would see them when I walked in.  Tim even practiced his baby dressing skills on Corey since Corey loves being dressed up in ridiculous outfits (see the middle picture above in the blog header):

He’s loving it.  Tim’s effort with the baby clothes was enough to award him father-to-be of the year in my book, but he wasn’t done yet.  When I walked into our bathroom, there was a new bathrobe hanging from the shower door.  When I noticed it and before I had time to say anything about it, he explained: “I got you this because soon you won’t be able to fit into your pajamas.” Gee, thanks.  I suppose I should just be glad he didn’t buy it in size XXL.  For the record, I am still, in fact, able to fit into my pajamas.  We’ll see how much longer that lasts.

May 24, 2011


When Tim wrote in my tenth grade yearbook (looking back on it I don’t know how it wasn’t obvious that we would end up getting married a decade later when he started his message with the romantic greeting “Wasssuppp?!”), he signed off as “BabyFree”, with Tim in parenthesis. I realize now that the BabyFree nickname comes from him being the youngest in his family, but was this something that people at school actually called him? Was he trying to make a new nickname stick (like making fetch happen – name that movie)? Either way, I appreciate the irony in the fact that now the two of us will be having a BabyFree of our own together.  

Of all the milestones I’ve hit, I’m pretty sure I can say this is the only one that has really made me feel different.  Graduating high school, graduating college, getting married – check, check, check – but after the hype of each event wore off I pretty much felt the same as before (is that insensitive, particularly about being married? Probably). I ended up finding out I was pregnant simply because I felt different (not sick or anything, just different), and turns out I knew before there were any physical signs of it. Since then I’ve gotten to experience a little bit of the sickness and other minor pains characteristic of the first trimester. Cleary there will be a lot more changes to come, the biggest of which will be having an actual baby to show for it when all is said and done.  Yikes. 

I don’t have much ambition as a blogger, but since we have family and friends that live far away I thought I might try to keep some of them updated on important (or not so important) pregnancy happenings.  At the very least you can expect the inevitable stories about Tim saying/doing the exact things that would come up if you googled “things to never, ever say/do to your pregnant wife.”

Oh yeah I should probably include some actual important facts. Right now I’m in the 13th week, with a due date of December 2. We had an ultrasound and heard the heartbeat at eight weeks, with everything measuring and sounding as it should.  Here is the eight week sonogram picture:

I think it looks like a blob, but others have said they can see a definite baby (yet another thing that probably makes me insensitive). And no I did not add that cursor to point to the obvious baby/blob smack dab in the middle, that is compliments of the sonographer. At the 12 week appointment we also got to hear the heartbeat. When the doctor started searching for it with the Doppler we didn’t hear anything right away, then finally she moved the monitor down lower on my stomach and there it was. So apparently the baby is sitting pretty low right now. For those of you who believe pregnancy wives’ tales, carrying low means a boy. For those of you who believe in science, carrying low still means it’s a tossup.  We should be finding out in about two months either way!